I often hear from people who want to know if family history plays a role in the gender of their baby. For example, I might hear from a woman who will tell me something like: “I am one of five girls. There were not any boys in my family. So, does this mean that I will definitely have a girl also?” (The answer to this question is no, but I find it very interesting that very few people even factor in how the father-to-be and his own family might play a role.)
Or, I might have a mom-to-be ask me something like: “My husband’s family consists of nothing but boys. Does this mean that my odds aren’t good to get a girl?” Like the scenario above, this question doesn’t take the baby’s mother’s family into account. (And the answer is also no.)
Actually, both the mother and the father-to-be will be contributing to the sex or gender of their baby. And, frankly, these are the only two people who will really contribute to the outcome. Extended family members play little (if any) part in this scenario. I will discuss this more in the following article.
The Parents Of The Baby In Question Determine That Baby’s Sex Or Gender. The Baby’s Grandparents Don’t: I do understand that if you’re one of a family of one gender over the other, then it’s very tempting to assume that boy or girl babies just run in your family. Many people confess to me that they think that there are just some unknown genetic factors that go into play in the determination of baby gender. But, let’s place this assumption aside for just a second and try to look at it from a scientific point of view.
In a nutshell, here’s how a baby’s gender is determined. If the baby’s chromosomes are XY, then that baby will be a boy. If the baby’s chromosomes are XX, then that baby is going to be a girl. The mother-to-be is always going to give an X to this equation. So, who is left to contribute? Yes, the father is now left with contributing either an Y or an X. And studies have indicated that even men who have a certain genders running in their family have equal amounts of both X and Y sperm chromosomes.
So, when the couple in question have intercourse on or around the woman’s ovulation time period, the man’s sperm will work to fertilize her egg. These little sperm (and both X’s and Y’s are represented here) will race to the egg and only one is going to be the one who fertilizes it. So, whichever chromosome completes the mission first is actually what determines the baby’s gender.
But this is really only the end of a story that has more variables. See, we know that the man contributes similar amounts of X and Y. And we know the woman is limited to an X. So, it might seem that this is a game of chance, but that’s not entirely accurate either. As the sperm make their way to the egg, they will face many challenges. And these challenges can, believe it or not, affect the outcome and can help determine your baby’s gender or sex.
Also, the boy and girl producing sperm have different attributes and have different strengths and weaknesses. The girls can survive for a much longer period of time and can outlast the boys in even harsh conditions. Likewise, the boys live for only a short period of time and are vulnerable in an acidic environment. But, to balance this, the Y’s are the faster of the two.
And, this is where the woman comes into play. If she has intercourse early in her fertility cycle and couples this with an acidic reproductive tract, then she has a better chance of conceiving a girl baby. But, if she has sex late in her fertility cycle and has an alkaline reproductive tract, then she has a better chance of getting a son. Sometimes, when women swear to me that there family never produces one gender over another, I suspect that this may have to do with the PH levels of the women in the family. Some women even tell me that they have tested a few women in their family and have proven that the PH levels are very similar.
This is a debatable point, but you can easily check it yourself by testing your own PH and to see if this appears to be true for you. For example, if the women in your family always seem to produce girls, I would suspect that you would tend to be more acidic. If the women in your family always seem to get boy babies, I would suspect that you might be alkaline.
The good news is that if you don’t want the gender that runs in your family, you can make some changes in your diet and in your conception regimen to change this. PH is just one factor in gender selection, but it’s an important one, especially if you think that one gender seems to run in your family and you want to over come this.
Source by Sandy Dean